Each year in the U.S.A., nearly as much copper is recovered from recycled material as is derived from newly mined ore. Excluding wire production, most of which uses newly refined copper, more than three-fourths of the amount used by copper and brass mills, ingot makers, foundries, powder plants and other industries comes from recycled scrap.

What We Buy

Safran Metals specializes in the purchase of non-ferrous metals. We rely on the NYMEX for current pricing, and adjust values continuously so that our customers receive the best possible price.

When you sell to us we receive, sort, grade and process the material.

At Safran Metals, we rely heavily on our customers in supplying us with quality non-ferrous metal. Most of our customers have been with us for many years, and can attest to the time and quality control that we use in processing any metal that comes through our warehouse.

  • Safran Metals has accurate scales that are consistantly calibrated and in-line with city inspection standards.
  • We offer pickup service in and around the Chicago land area.
  • We accept delivery on all 4 of our loading docks, spanning 2 warehouses
  • We offer flexible terms to meet the customers needs and ensure their satisfaction.